With such a wide variety of varieties, we offer cherries for every taste or preference! Each variety has been carefully cultivated in our exceptionally maintained orchards throughout the Okanagan.


The medium to large sized Chelan is our earliest cherry and is ready the second week of June. It has a dark colour and a good self life. 

  • Availability: Second week of June


This is an early variety and is ready the second week of June. It has a nice red color with dark green thick stems, is super hard and crunchy, and is prone to large and extra large sizes. It also has a great shelf life.

  • Availability: Second week of June


This is a very attractive, dark red early cherry and is ready in the third week of June. The Santina is a medium to large cherry and is super sweet and firm with a great crunch.

  • Availability: Third week of June


The Satin is a very large and heart shaped cherry with beautiful green stems. This flavour packed cherry is super hard and sweet. It's ready in the third week of June.

  • Availability: Third week of June


The Cristalina is a beautiful heart shaped cherry with a delicious flavour, thick green stems, and a rich red colour. It handles very well and has a great shelf life. It's large and is ready in the third week of June.

  • Availability: Third week of June


This may be one of the best tasting cherries because they are so sweet and filled with flavor. They have such a great flavor because they can be picked super dark without the stems falling off like other varieties.

They're medium to large and are ready at the end of June and the first week of July.

  • Availability: End of June and first week of July


The Bing is a popular medium to large variety and provides a flavor punch when eaten. It has a dark rich color, long self life, and a firm outer skin. It's ready the third week of June to the first week of July.

  • Availability: Third week of June to first week of July


The Benton is a great tasting, super sweet cherry with a nice red color and green stems. It's ready the first week of July.

  • Availability: First week of July


The Skeena looks like a kidney and has thick green stems. It tastes great, is one of our firmest cherries, and is a dark red to black. It's ready the second week of July.

  • Availability: Second week of July


This is one of our most popular cherries. It's planted in large volumes and usually ranges in all sizes, but with good care they can grow to be very large. The Lapin's are very dark, juicy, and sweet. It's ready the second to third week of July.

  • Availability: Second to third week of July


The Sweeheart is another spectacular heart shaped cherry and is one of our clients favourite cherries. It has a splendid flavor and crunchy bite. it ranges in size from medium to large and is ready the fourth week of July.

  • Availability: Fourth week of July


The Staccato is everyone’s favorite late variety. It packs a punch of flavor and is very crunchy and sweet. It has a dark colour, is easy to handle, and has a long shelf life. It's ready the fourth week of July.

  • Availability: Fourth week of July


Our latest cherry variety ranges from medium to large sizes. It's super sweet, crunchy, and hard. Ready first week of August.

There's a great demand for this cherry because it has a long shelf life and ships well.

  • Availability: First week of August


Another late variety with good size, dark color, and very green stems. Ready fourth week of July.

  • Availability: Fourth week of July


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